[Original Posting: May 4] SGT Train from the Marines came to the high school yesterday and ran students who signed up for the event through a modified version of the Combat Fitness Test (CFT). The test consisted of an 880 yard run to simulate moving to contact, 30 lb ammo can lift - how many times you can lift it over head in 2 minutes, and an obstacle course to simulate maneuver under fire consisting of sprint, low crawl, high crawl, zig zagging through cones, zig zagging through cones with 2 ammo cans and then a sprint, grenade throwing simulation (we used a baseball), 5 pushups, and zig zagging followed by a sprint with 2 ammo cans. Here are some photos of the event. [Original Posting: May 4]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 28] Thanks for the FFA Club/Ag Class for providing breakfast to the JH/HS staff this morning! [Original Posting: April 28]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
FFA Club / Ag Class
[Original Posting: April 21] Elementary Parents We ask that when you come to pick up your student(s) after school in the parent pickup area that you please park on the East Side of the road. (The side of the road by the sidewalk and fence.) The safety of our students is the reason for this request. We desire students to walk safely on the sidewalk and not be required to cross the road. Thank you for your cooperation and helping the students at Joseph City Elementary School remain safe. Please contact Mr. Hutchens at 928-288-3329 with any questions and concerns. [Original Posting: April 21]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 20]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
Kindergarten Round Up
[Original Posting: April 19] The performing arts department at Joseph City High School has recently been recognized by the Arizona Thespians with a Gold Ranking, the highest performance ranking for student actors. This was awarded for their performances at the regional Thespian festival February 2020. Big congratulations to the program and the graduating actors from 2020 for repping our school and receiving the highest awards! Go Wildcats! [Original Posting: April 19]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 15] JCUSD is looking for seasonal and summer workers. If you are interested, please see the following link: https://josephcityschools.tedk12.com/hire/ViewJob.aspx?JobID=1202 [Original Posting: April 15]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 14] Preschool Childfind for the 2021-22 school year will be held April 30. Please call the elementary school office to set up an appointment. (928) 288-3329 [Original Posting: April 14]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 13] Board Meeting Tonight 6:00pm https://youtu.be/nYfdJ6thl3M [Original Posting: April 13]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 8] Elementary Yearbooks are on Sale. Yearbooks are $18 and must be paid for at the Elementary Office (Cash or Check). The yearbooks will arrive before school gets out. We only have a limited quantity. Get yours today. [Original Posting: April 8]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
[Original Posting: April 8] Today is the day; the waiting is over! Check out the trailer for Joseph City Schools production of Tuck Everlasting! We are more than excited to show this to a live audience. SHOWTIMES: Nightly April 15-17th, 7:00pm with a matinee performance on Saturday, April 17th at 2:00pm. TICKETS: $10 for adults, $8 for students (with ID), $6 for children 11 or younger. You can buy them at the door, or below: josephcityarts.ticketleap.com/tuckeverlasting [Original Posting: April 8]
over 3 years ago, JCUSD
Tuck Everlasting
Sergeant Deets from the Navajo County visited our after school cooking class yesterday sponsored by the Joseph City Foundation. He discussed the dangers of drugs. Thanks Sergeant Deets!
almost 4 years ago, JCUSD
Sergeant Deets from the Navajo County visited our after school cooking class yesterday sponsored by the Joseph City Foundation. He discussed the dangers of drugs. Thanks Sergeant Deets!
Intramural Basketball Games start this week at the Joseph City Elementary School. Parents and family members may attend these games for your student only. We also request that you wear a mask while you are seated in the bleachers. If students are present to watch games they must be seated in the bleachers and not playing outside or in the hallways. Please cheer for your student and the other students playing. The purpose of the intramural league is to introduce basketball and the skills needed to play this sport. We also desire to teach teamwork to the students. Thank you for following these guidelines so that we can have a fun, safe basketball season. Schedules have been passed out to students. If you need a schedule, please contact Mrs. Fish at 928-288-3329.
almost 4 years ago, JCUSD
See the message below that schools received yesterday. Update on Mask Requirement in K-12 Schools Dear School Leaders, We wanted to share information we received from the Arizona Department of Health Services today in light of Governor Ducey's executive order relaxing COVID-19 restrictions. AZDHS Emergency Measure 2020-04 is still in effect, requiring masks in all K-12 schools. Masking is one of the top mitigation strategies for safe in-person learning as recommended by the CDC. Masks must be worn on school campuses, on school buses and during school-associated activities by all students, faculty, staff, contractors, and visitors. Thank you, Arizona Department of Education
almost 4 years ago, JCUSD
SSG Roberts from the Arizona Army National Guard came to the JH/HS yesterday to explain to juniors how to interpret their ASVAB scores. Thanks for your help SSG Roberts!
almost 4 years ago, JCUSD
SSG Roberts from the Arizona Army National Guard came to the JH/HS yesterday to explain to juniors how to interpret their ASVAB scores. Thanks for your help SSG Roberts!
Some Joseph City students are participating in an after school life skills class where they have fun learning about cooking and preparing food. The school is still looking for adult helpers with this and other similar programs. If you or someone you know may be interested, the application can be found on the school's website as "Youth, Faith, and Family Specialist".
almost 4 years ago, JCUSD
Some Joseph City students are participating in an after school life skills class where they have fun learning about cooking and preparing food.  The school is still looking for adult helpers with this and other similar programs.  If you or someone you know may be interested, the application can be found on the school's website as "Youth, Faith, and Family Specialist".
Some Joseph City students are participating in an after school life skills class where they have fun learning about cooking and preparing food.  The school is still looking for adult helpers with this and other similar programs.  If you or someone you know may be interested, the application can be found on the school's website as "Youth, Faith, and Family Specialist".
Test message
about 4 years ago, Jason Gardner
Spring is coming
Congratulations to the winners of of todayā€™s district spelling bee: 1st- Rosemary Fischer 2nd- Ashlee Bushman 1st Alternate- Lucy Hancock 2nd Alternate- Joseph Fischer
about 4 years ago, JCUSD
Congratulations to the winners of of todayā€™s district spelling bee: 1st- Rosemary Fischer 2nd- Ashlee Bushman 1st Alternate- Lucy Hancock 2nd Alternate- Joseph Fischer
Free Cooking Class Beginning Feb. 16 2021 See the flyer for more details
about 4 years ago, JCUSD
free cooking class, contact teh school for more info
Yearbooks are on sale at the JH/HS. They are $30 each but hurry fast, after April 15 the price increases to $35! Please see Mrs. Randall or come to the office to order.
about 4 years ago, JCUSD
Jcusd School Board Meeting 2/9/21 6:00pm https://youtu.be/bxWLw3UKQFw
about 4 years ago, JCUSD